The Burden of Vulvovaginal Candidiasis Among Women in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review
Vulvovaginal candidiasis, Women, Candida species, VaginaAbstract
Inflammation of vulva in the vagina as a result of multiplying opportunistic candida species is termed vulvovaginal candidiasis. The disease is not among the sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) because even those that never had sex can come down with it, but that does not mean it cannot be transmitted through sex. The review focused on brief pathogenesis, microbiology, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment. This review highlights on the possible ways the pathogen reaches the site, mechanism of spread in the area, some of the direct courses, different prevalence rates as it affects some countries, some of the age groups affected, its different presentations in the affected ladies, and how it is treated depending on the magnitude of the situation is briefly discussed based on the available literature obtained through various search engines. The disease is a public health concern and directly or indirectly affects the economy. It affects all categories of women from all countries, married, unmarried, divorced, housewives and working class.