Serological Blood Grouping reveals Genotypes and Family Relationship- A Case Report from Lemunnam District Clinic


  • Bukar, A., Obi, S.O, Ajayi, O.I., Abba, A., Abja, U., Busari. O., Waziri, G. Medugu, J.T., Audu, N., Geidam, U., Jeremiah, Z.A. Author


Blood, genotype, family, traits, antigens.


Serological ABO and Rhesus blood groupings could be used to predict the possible ABO and Rhesus blood group genotype. In this study, ABO and Rhesus blood group genotypes of given six subjects were predicted and employed to establish possible family ties between them. Based on their ABO and Rhesus phenotype, five of the family members indicated a possible family lineage. The last child showed an ABO blood group that might not be a product from the apparent parents. As the case may be, the ABO antigens of the last child are not fully developed, hence the disagreeing result.


