The Effect of Aqueous Extract of Lonchocarpus Cyanencens Leaf on the Histology of the Liver of Wistar Rats


  • Onyeije Benson Peter*1, Osagiede Newton's Osarumwense2, Emai Iyoha3, Osagie Ododo Augustine4 Author


Aqueous extract, Lonchocarpus Cyanencens, histology, liver, Wistar rat


This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of aqueous extract of Lonchocarpus cyanescens on the histological architecture of the liver. The histological effect of consumption of Lonchocarpus cyanescens leaf extract on the liver of Wistar rats was carried out on thirty-five (35) Wistar rats. The Wistar rats were divided into seven groups with five rats per group. Group A serves as control, Group B received 200mg/kg body weight of L. cyanescens, Group C received 500mg/kg body weight of the extract, Group D were given 1000mg/kg body weight of the extract while group E, F and G received 2000mg/kg, 3500mg/kg, and 5000mg/kg body weight of Lonchocarpus cyanescens aqueous leave extract respectively. The administration was implemented once daily by oral compulsion. After 42 days of treatment, the Wistar rats were given chloroform anaesthesia, dissected and their liver were harvested in the histology laboratory and put in 10% formal saline. The liver was processed in the histopathology laboratory for microscopic examination of the tissue followed by photomicrographs of selected slides, which were recorded. The results from the histopathological examination showed normal liver histology in tissue of group A. The group B, C and D revealed mild vascular dilatation, mild portal vascular congestion and mild Kupffer cell activation normal with intact sinusoidal spaces showing that the extract is not deleterious even at low doses. Group D, E and F (2000mg/kg, 3500mg/kg and 5000mg/kg body weight respectively) shows mild portal congestion and moderate activation of Kupffer. The different immunological systems of the rats and the concentration of Lonchocarpus cyanescens may account for the variations in Kupffer cell activation and the immunologic response to the concentration supplied, confirming the safety of our extract up to 5000 mg/kg body weight. Based on the histological findings, Lonchocarpus cyanescens aqueous leave extract is not toxic to the liver tissue and is safe for consumption.



